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  Вопрос: Работа с файлами EXEL Добавлено: 17.08.05 11:33  

Автор вопроса:  Yura_Bond
Как из vb6 создавать, изменять и др Файлы EXEL


  Ответы Всего ответов: 2  

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Разработчик Offline Client

Вопросов: 236
Ответов: 8362
 Профиль | | #1 Добавлено: 17.08.05 13:09

'======== 'This program has been written by Frederic Fievez on April 22th, 2002 ======
Public Function Export2XL(InitRow As Long, DBAccess As String, DBTable As String) As Long '+
' Экспортирует с базы в Exel
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection           'Use for the connection string
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command          'Use for the command for the DB
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset             'Recordset return from the DB
Dim MyIndex As Integer                            'Used for Index
Dim MyRecordCount As Long                    'Store the number of record on the table
Dim MyFieldCount As Integer                    'Store the number of fields or column
Dim ApExcel As Object                             'To open Excel
Dim MyCol As String
Dim Response As Integer

Set ApExcel = CreateObject("Excel.application";)  'Creates an object

ApExcel.Visible = True                                       'This enable you to see the process in Excel
ApExcel.Workbooks.Add                                   'Adds a new book.

'Set the connection string
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & DBAccess
'Open the connection

'Check that the connection is open
If cn.State = 0 Then cn.Open
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
cmd.CommandText = DBTable
cmd.CommandType = adCmdTable
Set rs = cmd.Execute
'Count the number of fields or column
MyFieldCount = rs.Fields.Count

'Fill the first line with the name of the fields
For MyIndex = 0 To MyFieldCount - 1
    ApExcel.Cells(InitRow, (MyIndex + 1)).Formula = rs.Fields(MyIndex).Name   'Write Title to a Cell
    ApExcel.Cells(InitRow, (MyIndex + 1)).Font.Bold = True
    ApExcel.Cells(InitRow, (MyIndex + 1)).interior.colorindex = 36
    ApExcel.Cells(InitRow, (MyIndex + 1)).WrapText = True

'Draw border on the title line
MyCol = Chr((64 + MyIndex)) & InitRow
ApExcel.Range("A" & InitRow & ":" & MyCol).Borders.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
MyRecordCount = 1 + InitRow

'Fill the excel book with the values from the database
Do While rs.EOF = False
For MyIndex = 1 To MyFieldCount
    ApExcel.Cells(MyRecordCount, MyIndex).Formula = rs((MyIndex - 1)).Value     'Write Value to a Cell
    ApExcel.Cells(MyRecordCount, MyIndex).WrapText = False 'Format the Cell
    MyRecordCount = MyRecordCount + 1
    If MyRecordCount > 50 Then
        Exit Do
    End If

'Close the connection with the DB

'Return the last position in the workbook
Export2XL = MyRecordCount
End Function


Номер ответа: 2
Автор ответа:

ICQ: 259560026 

Вопросов: 21
Ответов: 143
 Профиль | | #2 Добавлено: 30.08.05 13:43
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